Software Engineer and Web Developer passionate about modern web programming.

Windows 11 Vue
Windows 11 simulator built with modern web technologies, Vue.js for the main framework, Tailwind as css framework, Vuex, Scss...

Deveo is a social network for developers, built with Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js, Mongodb, Tailwind CSS.
AskCom is a web application for questions & answers (like StackOverflow, built using Laravel 5.7, MySql for the database, Html, css, jquery...

Weather App
A simple weather web application using Vue js and Tailwind CSS frameworks as base technologies, also I used Geoapify API for making the application more useful when making a specific place search and also using OpenWeatherMap API for getting the weather information.

Clock JS
Analog clock built in native js, html and css, has light and dark modes.